The two papal bulls of 1455 and 1493 stand untouched to this day, not as historical documents but as the word of God, handed down by the representative of Jesus Christ on earth. As long as these bulls stand unchallenged, they support and justify and give holy justification to the enslavement, displacement and genocide of indigenous peoples worldwide.
If we are to put an end to this five hundred year suffering brought on by this lie, then we must first shout out the lie to the world, and then we must bring back the truth.
In the year 1515, 500 years ago, King Francis 1st acceded to the throne of France. This was the king who would see the great Iroquois Donnaconna and his sons paraded like circus animals by the explorer Jacques Cartier in the Court of Fontainebleau after being kidnapped from their lands.
Now, five hundred years later, I shall stand with the hereditary chiefs of my people, the Cayuse and others, at the place of shame where a European King treated a noble warrior like an animal. From there, I shall walk along the Via Francigena through the old roads of France in the direction of Rome.
When we arrive, we shall directly petition the Pope, Pope Francis, and ask him to finally expose the Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493 as lies, and crimes against humanity, and have them rescinded. We believe that Pope Francis will receive our petition and hear our plea, and recognize this evil which was first spawned within the gates of the Vatican itself.